Communities all over South Florida are seeing a transformation as more and more developers propose mixed-use projects that combine residential, retail and office spaces, and the city of Doral is certainly among them. Exciting projects like Downtown Doral and Midtown Doral are well on their way to becoming a reality, and now a new development has taken a step closer along the same path. Last week, the City Council made changes to the zoning category for the property located on Northwest 41st Street and 94th Avenue. The site of the controversial Sanctuary Project was previously in the “office-residential” land-use category but was changed to “community mixed-use,” which suits the project.
There is still one zoning item left to be addressed, and the vote is scheduled for the next zoning hearing, August 23. If the outcome is favorable, Shoma Homes will have the green light to build 147 housing units with 29,400 square feet of retail space on seven acres. The original project was to build 12 luxury mansions, however the City Council decided that the plans were “incompatible with the surrounding area and the city’s master plan,” according to a recent Miami Herald article. The developer then changed their plans to include more than 200 units, before amending their request last week.
The change to a large number of multi-family homes in addition to retail businesses has created much controversy in the community. Residents in the vicinity are concerned about future congestion and the increase in density. The property is located on a one-way street and only has one way in and out. The traffic in Doral is already difficult at times, and the concern is that it will only get worse. Shoma Homes has proposed a “dynamic traffic signal system” in the area in addition to a trolley for the city’s fleet to relieve traffic pressure elsewhere, both of which they would pay for.
For more information about properties in Doral, and surrounding areas, contact Oceanica Real Estate at (786) 270-1743 or